Yang Yuan Yuan 杨媛媛

Yang Yuan Yuan graduated from the Art Department of Henan University in 1997. She also attended the assistant Class of the Mural Department in the Central Academy of Fine Arts between 1997 and 1999.

She mentions in her artist statement that “through the depiction of little lambs in my artworks, I express the psychological journey of growth and the current social relationships. I remain steadfast in my belief in a better future. Despite the challenges of life, I have gained insight into the world and still possess a warm and clear heart. I hope to quietly shine my light with my humble efforts.”



Past Exhibition:

2023: "Warm Spring" - Solo Exhibition at Guangzhou September Art

2022: "Another Me" - Guangzhou September Art Solo Exhibition

2022: "Dream·Paradise" - Theme Art Exhibition at New World Kaiyue Bay

2022: "Blind.Sight" - Solo Exhibition at Beijing Guomao Goude Art

2022: "International Contemporary Art Collection Exchange Exhibition" - TNT Contemporary Art Space, Shenzhen

2021: "World" - Beijing Guomao Goude Art Solo Exhibition

2020: "Clear Skies and Light Rain" - Xiamen Timespace Print Dual Exhibition

2020: "Yuan Yuan's Gift" - Zhengzhou Qimu Art Print Solo Exhibition

2020: "Will the World Be Better?" - Guangzhou Tianhuan September Art Solo Exhibition

2019: "Sheep·Sheep·Yang" - Guangzhou September Art Solo Exhibition

2019: "Warm·Stories" - Shenzhen September Art Solo Exhibition

2019: "Encounter" - Beijing Goude Art Solo Exhibition

2019: Guangzhou Design Exhibition - Group Exhibition

2018: "I Am a Little Lamb" - Huikong Art Space Artist Brand Exhibition

2017: Korean Gallery Expo

2017: "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" - Xiamen Timespace Print Exhibition

2016: Russafa International Art Festival in Spain

2015: "Yang Yuanyuan Solo Exhibition" at 798·Yue·Art Center

2012: E京华PART Yachang Artists Joint Exhibition